Our Article on Kidney

It can be compared to an amalgamation of the abnormalities related to Rasa Pradosaja vikara, Kaphaja shotha, Pandu, Mutrakriccha, Mutraghata, and Prameha and its complications, which are known as Vrikka roga (Kidney diseases). Chronic kidney disease is an intricate disorder that occurs when one experiences a gradual decline in the function of the kidneys with severe and dreadful adverse effects that lead to low life expectancy of the individual suffering from it.

According to Charaka Chikitsa the following are the main reasons that lead to eight types of Mutrakrchra (Dysuria):

  1. Excessive physical exertion
  2. Drug abuse (prescribed/unprescribed)
  3. Excessive consumption of rough foods (oily/ fatty)
  4. Excessive consumption of meats (especially red meat)
  5. Alcohol abuse
  6. Dairy products
  7. Riding on fast moving vehicles

Which leads to eight types of Mutrakrchra (Dysuria) due to which the doshas become compromised either individually by each of their causes or collectively (Sthana Samshraya), become localized in the kidney/urinary bladder, press against the bladder’s urinary path, that causes the person to urinate painfully (Vataja), which results in small and unpleasant burning micturition (Pittaja), and there may be sensation of heaviness and edema (Kaphaja).

According to Acharya Charaka, Vata entering the Bahya Srotas (Mutravaha Srotas being one of them) leads to the adverse effects of Kapha, Rakta, and pitta by blocking them. Then, as it spreads, it creates swelling with protuberance-like qualities.

Chronic Kidney Disease is similar to Mutrakrchra, Mutraghat, and Aama under Mutra vaha Strotas, based on Ayurveda. Ama from mutravaha strotas interfere with renal function. That leads to the human body producing too many toxins. Accordingly, dravyas like Mutrala, Katu, Tikta Rasatmak, Agnidipana, and Pachana can be recommended as treatment plans.

The appropriate functioning of the kidneys is examined in contemporary literature through analysis of the generation of urine, the quantity of waste products excreted, the management of electrolytes, the control of water balance, the control of blood pressure, the regulation of red blood cell production, and the synthesis of vitamin D.

Root causes of CKD and Increase in GFR:

Conditions that harm the kidneys and lessen their capacity to filter waste from the blood are included in chronic kidney disease. Wastes can accumulate to dangerous levels in the blood if kidney disease progresses, which can cause a number of other illnesses including high blood pressure, anaemia (low blood count), weak bones, poor nutritional health, nerve damage, and many more. The risk of developing heart and blood vessel disease is also increased by CKD. These issues may develop gradually over a lengthy period of time.

The main risk factor of CKD includes type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Long-term high glucose levels cause the glomerular basement membrane to thicken and the mesangial space to expand, both of which have an impact on the glomerular filteration rate (GFR). This can be similarly related to hypertension; blood clots and bleeding are caused by changes in capillary blood flow. The likelihood of involvement of other bodily organs rises as the disease advances to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and the GFR value falls.

Presently, the only treatments for CKD are kidney transplant or dialysis. For a limited time, synthetic drugs (chemical compositions) can be used to control creatinine levels. As particular manifestations of CKD are the focus of CKD treatment. Concern is given to protein limitations, lowering intraglomerular hypertension, protein uria, hyperuraemia, regulation of blood sugar, treating the consequences, and ultimately renal replacement for delaying the progression of CKD ONLY.

The NEO-AYURVEDA way (Next Gen of Ayurveda):

Miracle Drinks’ therapeutic regimen plays a significant part in the management of CKD because it aids in the regeneration of the entire renal system, which helps with the proper flushing of wastes from the body. This improves the victims quality of life and allows them to lead ordinary lives without having to spend a lot of money on kidney transplant and dialysis.


Morning Afternoon Evening
S3 S3 S3
S4 S4
S5 S5
  • S3 – Cardiovascular support
  • S4 – Liver health support
  • S5 – Renal suppot


Morning Afternoon Evening
S10 S3 S10
S4 S4
S5 S5
  • S3 – Cardiovascular support
  • S4 – Liver health support
  • S5 – Renal suppot
  • S10 – Sugar Care


: 15 ml each before food

The substances in the aforementioned procedure have traditionally been used to treat a variety of renal disorders known as vrkka rogas.

Gokshura is a mutrala dravya that is frequently utilised in therapeutic settings. It has sheeta veerya, guru-snigdha guna, and madhura rasa. According to research, gokshura’s diuretic qualities are brought on by its high nitrate and potassium salt content. Additionally, it aids in the process of cell regeneration in the kidney.

Other components include tikta, kashaya, and madhura rasa, laghu guna, and ushna veerya, as well as Haritaki, Nimba, and Amlakki. Shothahara is how these medications work. It eliminates the toxin and lessens excessive fluid retention through the diuretic activity. This enhances urine production, reduces burning micturition, and reduces pedal edoema. Through its antioxidant properties to the body’s production of insulin, the compounds in haritaki also aid in promoting insulin sensitivity, lowering blood sugar levels, and boosting immunity.

Guduchi’s anti-inflammatory properties assist with both macro and microcirculation and reduce pain and swelling in diabetic neuropathy, nephropathy, and arthropathy patients.


The revalidation of facts included in ayurvedic classics has been of primary relevance in the contemporary context despite the fact that ayurveda has enormous potential in the treating of many renal problems.

In an in vitro investigation, the experimental validity of RENAL CARE’s Nephro-protective action was established. With the notion that if the kidneys begin to function correctly, the condition would eventually go away, nephro-protective activity was examined. In Baby Hamster Kidney (BHK-21) cells, ” Renal care ” showed a dose-dependent substantial Nephro-protective activity against H2O2-induced oxidative stress.

The proprietary science of neo-ayurveda:

The proprietary science Neo-Ayurvedic© focuses on repairing, regenerating, rejuvenating, and re-building the system at the cellular level, which includes detoxifying the cell, regulating cellular metabolic activity, nourishing the undernourished cell with phytochemicals derived from herbal compounds and natural food items (used as medicine), and inducing the release of specific enzymes by gut-beneficial microbes that act as a catalyst to release nutrients. In Ayurveda, food is viewed as a type of medicine. This feeds the cells and aids in their renewal when coupled with specific dietary recommendations. This exclusive technology is the result of more than 35 years of investigation into the advantages of herbal medicinal plants, their decoctions, and formulations, along with the scientific principles of allopathy.

The herbal mixtures utilised at Miracle Drinks are therefore intended to “restore” the imbalance or illness process taking place within the body in order to recuperate and reestablish equilibrium. Combining healthy phytochemicals, clean and organic food sources, dietary and nutrition management, as well as yoga and meditation, can stop the degeneration of cells and organs and assist re-establish and restore order in the human body.

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