Miracle Drinks – The story of Neo Ayurveda©

Necessity is the mother of invention – Tragedy and the road to recovery for the inventor himself, his father and his son.

Miracle Drinks is the result of over 40 years of research done by Dr. S.M. Raju IAS (Retd.). Dr. Raju initially developed these medicines to help relieve himself of Rheumatoid Arthritis; he suffered from that painful disease for many years until he was able to formulate a series of concoctions which helped alleviate his pain and suffering.

He went further into his research when his father suffered from Acute Renal Failure. He developed a series of concoctions and diets which helped in the rejuvenation of his fathers’ kidneys.

Tragedy struck again when his son suffered from Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Blood Cancer). Although his son did benefit greatly from his herbal concoctions, this road to recovery is credited for being one of the first approaches of integrated medicine; i.e. Allopathic medication along with an Ayurvedic set of concoctions – taken together.

Miracle Drinks formulations are revolutionary; we have named the science behind this as – Neo Ayurveda©. Neo Ayurveda, essentially is a blend of the best of what the ancient science of Ayurveda has to offer and the best medicinal practices and protocols of the modern science of Allopathy. At Miracle Drinks, we offer treatments for more than 170 unique health disorders.

In the treatment regime offered by Miracle Drinks; Yoga and a strict diet are central to the road to recovery. Our motto – “Be Healthy Again”, encapsulates a holistic journey which we help customers take toward their recovery. This regime must be strictly followed by our customers to have a positive and an affirmative impact on the long term.

Here’s more about Dr. S.M. Raju

Dr. S.M. Raju, is a recently Retd. Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer, having served the country from 1991 till 2020, in different departments. Ever since the beginning of his career, he has been involved in implementing various innovative and path-breaking policies which have been accepted at the State and the National level by the Government of India and have been globally recognized for their far-reaching impact on our society.

Born in a village called Sultanpet, about 50kms north of Bengaluru (India’s Silicon Valley in the South of the country) & 3kms from the birth-place of one of India’s greatest Engineer Statesmen, Sir M V Visvesvaraya.

After an eventful childhood, he received a degree in Bachelors of Agricultural Sciences from the University of Agriculture, Bengaluru in 1982. During his time at the University, he was introduced to the field of Medicinal herbs wherein he developed extensive expertise

His proprietary research involves inducing different phytochemicals through the Supplements which help in the rejuvenation of the cells; and also by inducing well balanced amounts of Prebiotics and Probiotics (a follow up on the research conducted by Nobel laureate Dr. Elie Metchnikoff) which, enriches and promotes stable micro-flora in the gut, ensuring a consistent release of enzymes. This helps with the breakdown of the nutrients efficiently. Mr. Raju has also developed an improvised version of the research conducted by Dr. Johanna Budwig on Flax seeds; this provides the body with a balanced supply of Omega 3 & Omega 6, essential Fatty acids and Lignan(s). Extensive studies and clinical trials have been done over thousands of patients to validate the efficacy of the Supplements developed by Mr. S.M. Raju. His findings and research, now christened by him as Neo-Ayurveda, is a proprietary science that blend’s the principle(s) of diagnosis of health disorders/ diseases from the Allopathic sciences blended with various treatment principles, namely, through Natural medicines, Diets, Home Remedies, Yoga and Meditation taken from the age-old literature of Charak Samhita as detailed in the Vedas. The Herbal extracts and Supplements have been recognized as an Ayurvedic Medicine under the AYUSH License. The medicinal range is today marketed under the brand name of MIRACLE DRINKS . These products are manufactured in a state-of-the art facility set up under the guidance and directions of Mr SM Raju and has been funded by both Govt. of India and Govt. of Karnataka. This global scale manufacturing plant is certified for ISO22000 and GMP by Otabu, U.K. and is also registered with US-FDA. This world-class and world scale facility is one of its kind in India today.

Mr S.M. Raju over the past 3 decades has been passionate about Trees, and, their importance in everyday life. While in service, he helped formulate the National Policy on Tree Plantation in road-side and village areas by providing for 100 man-days of assured employment under MNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Program) to old age men and women and the differently abled. By establishing the importance of ‘a symbiotic relationship between the people and the tree’, survival rate for planted trees increased to 80%. To further propagate this concept, a movement called “One-day One-Crore” tree plantation exercise was kicked off by mobilizing 300,000 people across 7,000 villages covering 6 districts of the State of Bihar. This program was instrumental in increasing Forest Coverage in the State of Bihar from 6.8% to above 10%. This program has also been globally acclaimed for its nutritional benefits of providing fruits to poor local communities, contribution to reduction of green-house gases and its contribution to helping reduce the carbon footprint across large communities. This concept is now a part and parcel of the various community programs promoted by the Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India. Late Hon’ble President of India, Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam in his globally acclaimed book – Target 3 Billion – has written a piece on this specific program, its positive and long-term impact and contributions in the field of Social Forestry.

Mr. Raju has been awarded by several national and international organisations in Hong Kong, Dubai, Singapore, Delhi and Mumbai. Some of the more notable awards are – Excellence Award for Interactive Innovations given by the House of Commons, British Parliament (2019), Times Health Excellence Award, India (2018), Bharat Gaurav Award, India (2018), Asia’s Greatest Brands and leaders Award, Singapore (2018) for inventing Herbal Compounds for Incurable Health disorders and many more.

Today he devotes all his time to research & development of unique herbal products that help cure and prevent serious health disorders afflicting mankind today. He can be reached through his Facebook page (SMRAJU), or his Twitter handle (#SMRaju).